Tuesday 17 November 2015

Hello everyone,this post is related with my major project web media in which i have create a website which is related with witt art and put my all orignal work in that website which make website more beautiful and attractive.soo today my website is ready and i already put my website on virual FTP server in witt.
my website address is as www.hivewebdesign.com/manvir_singh/
during this project i follow the process instructions which is which are given by my tutor.
soo followings are the my documentation which contain all photos related with my web site;

This is my wireframe and map site of my website

 coding in Dreamweaver

 Final view of web site
 Final view of subpage
 Final view
 mockup of homepage in illustrator
 mockup of subpage in illustrator

 review about my website
 wire frame work about nav bar buttons

Tuesday 1 September 2015

simple menu,videos

                                   *simple menu,videos*

helllooooo,,,,,Today i created my 1st home page of website.it was related with hotel and i created this web site with the help of Adobe Dreamweaver computing software.my teacher teaching me all technologies related with web site nd its my great experience with website

Thursday 27 August 2015

Image Optimization

                                                      *Image Optimization*      

on 26th we learned how to design website template in adobe illustrator,we done brainstroming before the designing after that we designed roughly on sheet and than these design applied with the help of abode illustrator


Interface design

                                       *Interface design*

Today my teacher helped us to learn how to design any interface of website and we designed the interface of evoke web site

coding and css

                                               coding and css

today i learned coding in css as professional and done a lot of fun with dreamweaver

markup structure, twitter feed

                                       *markup structure*

      today i learned about markup structure in html

how to web work,html intro,social media intro

                         *how to web work,html intro,social media intro*

on 29th i learned about web site how it is work.i viewed a lot of internet device which tranfer the internet to the computers.I learned what are the IP address nd how these are connected with internet.
I learned about differents type of server,which control by main computer.

i got a lot of basic knowledge about HTML,what its attributes,how its work with internet explorer

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Histoy of web

                                                    Histoy of web

web is very power full tool now.Tim Berners-lee invented the world wide web in 1989.The main motive to develop world wide web was establish the good connection between scientific work and study purpose in universities.The first website shows that how to work website and how we can access it with easy way and how to set up your own server.

On 1993 CERN put the web software for public domain.Next time they developed web server as freely availability. Every.Every one can create website as he want.He can also create server related with his website.

Tim Berner-lee

                                                        Setup Blogger

Recently my tutor gave me lecture about how to setup blogger last week.it was very interesting lecture last week.I learned lot of things in that class about how to setup the blog,about its features that how to connected with lot of people and share our experience.I learned how to gave stylish look to my blogger account.I learned plenty of techniques about its privacy and other setting.

Soo this lecture was too interesting for me.That was my good experience with blogger